10,000 square metres of SUPER at Strandkai Hamburg

BE Strandkai Hamburg - magnificent ensemble of buildings in illustrious company

B + P used 10,000 sqm of SUPER 65 facade scaffolding and approx. 2,000 linear metres of brackets to realise the project. (Photo: B + P / Scafom-rux)


"A life in the rhythm of the city. With the waves of the Elbe and the pulse of city life, with the harbour on the horizon, the Speicherstadt as a neighbour and the Elbphilharmonie in view. A quarter is being created at Strandkai that combines all facets of the Hanseatic city." This is the original text on the homepage www.strandkai.com, which describes in an impressive way what awaits residents or even visitors to the new building ensemble on Strandkai after its completion. And it is truly impressive and an enrichment of Hamburg, which is already one of the most popular major cities.

Four construction sites on 14,000 square metres

Huge construction cranes, workers in high-visibility waistcoats, the sounds of drills and hammers and huge amounts of scaffolding still dominate the scene on the attractive site directly on the Norderelbe. But by October 2022 at the latest, when after five years of planning and construction the 476 luxury flats, business premises and restaurants are occupied, construction noise will be a thing of the past. Then there will be nothing left to see of the 14,000-square-metre construction area with a total of four construction fields. And the current designations BF-S6 Tower or BF-S7 Tower will then become such sonorous names as The Crown Strandkai or Fifty 9 Strandkai. And instead of construction noise, you will only hear the typical sounds of ship sirens, seagulls, wind and waves in Hamburg.

Around 10,000 sqm of RUX-SUPER 65 rapid erection scaffolding was used on this construction site by B + P Gerüstbau Hamburg GmbH from Seevetal, the company responsible for scaffolding work, under the management of Managing Director Markus Eßing. B + P Hamburg is part of BPG Building Partners, which has around 420 employees in the scaffolding and construction logistics sectors. The scaffolding division covers the complete spectrum of scaffolding types. This includes facade, room and area scaffolding, engineering scaffolding with its own technical office as well as climbing scaffolding, weather protection roofs and steel structures. Construction logistics offers construction site planning, construction site equipment and construction logistics - also according to LEED Gold Standard. The company, which operates nationwide, is considered one of the largest scaffolding and construction logistics companies in Germany. The group includes B +P Gerüstbau Hamburg GmbH, B + P Gerüstbau GmbH, BSB Bau- und Spezialgerüstbau GmbH, Gustav RAETZ Gerüstbau GmbH, GSB Gerüstbau GmbH and LoXite GmbH. The client for the project in Hamburg was KoHa Bauausführung und Immobilien GmbH from Berlin, which in turn was commissioned by DC Developments GmbH & Co. KG, Hamburg to erect the shell structures.

Scaffolding advances with the building

On a large construction site like this one on Strandkai, one cog has to mesh with the other. Tight deadlines, delays due to weather conditions or even faulty planning put the contractors under constant pressure and require highly professional processes. The scaffolding provided by B + P served as a protective scaffold and had to be continuously raised again as the building shells grew. And this was done in close coordination with the contractor carrying out the work. Whenever a floor slab was completed, the next scaffolding layer had to be assembled just in time so that the corresponding fall protection was directly available.

The planning of the scaffolding including all processes was carried out by the internal technical office of B + P in Berlin. This included both the actual execution of the scaffolding work and the entire site logistics. Not only the delivery of materials with the company's own 26-tonne trucks had to be carefully thought out. The transport of the material from the truck to the actual destination with the on-site construction cranes also had to be precisely coordinated and scheduled. Due to an unfavourable subsoil on the north and south sides of the buildings, the scaffolding could not be erected without additional measures. Here, a safe support surface in the form of HEB girders had to be prepared first, which were installed by Thyssenkrupp on behalf of KoHa.

Great satisfaction with planning and implementation

After about one and a half years, the scaffolding work by B + P was done. 3 - 6 employees were on site to carry out the respective necessary scaffolding extensions. In addition to the total of 10,000 m² of RUX-SUPER rapid erection scaffolding, approx. 2,000 linear metres of internal brackets were installed as well as a further 2,000 linear metres of internal side protection. In addition to its original purpose as a protective scaffold, the scaffold has also served as a working platform for smaller assembly and repair work in the meantime.

For safe and comfortable scaffolding access, B + P provided the stair towers that have become obligatory on such large construction sites. In total, scaffolding stairs with a total height of 330 climbing metres were erected.

Managing director Markus Eßing is very satisfied with the entire project. All the customer's wishes were fulfilled on schedule. The entire construction process was largely trouble-free, not least due to the close and permanent coordination between all those involved. The scaffolding used was also expressly praised once again. Due to its technical features, the RUX-SUPER rapid erection scaffold is ideal for handling such large construction sites, emphasises Eßing.

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